Group Term Life Insurance Scheme (GTL)

Yearly Renewable Group Term Life Insurance Scheme

GTL is an annual renewable plan which provides 24-hours worldwide protection for a group of people under one master policy. It enhances morale and promotes loyalty of employees or members. The cost is lower compared to having to cover the group of people individually as it lessens administrative work. It also helps to attract and retain employees or members, and provides high protection coverage to key personnel in the organisation. Premiums paid by the Company may qualify for tax relief subject to the final decision of the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board.

Member of PIDM
The benefit(s) payable under eligible policy is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact AmMetLife Insurance Berhad or PIDM (visit

Benefits and coverage at a glance

Death Benefit will be payable in one lump sum in the event of death due to Natural and/or Accidental causes.

Benefit will be payable in one lump sum in the event of a disability due to Natural and/or Accidental causes.

Coverage for 36 types of Critical Illnesses.

  • Repatriation Benefits
  • Terminal Illness
  • Funeral Expenses
  • Accidental Death & Disablement
  • Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)

  • Class / Rank
  • Fixed / Flat Sum Assured
  • Monthly Basic Salary(ies) (36, 48, 72 & 84 times)

  • Nature of Business
  • NRIC No. / Passport No.
  • Name of Staff / Member
  • Sex
  • Date of Birth

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